Human potential and educational offer
The municipality of Szydłowiec has the population of more than 19,000 of which over 65 percent are people in working age.
District population structure:
• 3449 (18.13 percent) – pre-productive age,
• 12230 (64.29 percent) – productive age,
• 3344 (17.58 percent) – post-productive age.
District unemployment rate 25,6 percent,
Unemployment broken down by gender:
Age structure of the unemployed inhabitants:
Low labor costs are a definite asset of Szydłowiec - the average wage per employee is 3103,03 zł (The Central Statistical Office data for 2015).
The full data on the Szydłowiec job market are available on the local employment office website:
Training and education assistance
Szydlowiec has a number of educational institutions including a high school and a training center comprising of a high school, a technical college and a vocational school. All the schools have a possibility of organizing programs and courses to suit the investor’s needs. Szydlowiec is located close to important academic and research centers in Radom and Kielce including Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities, Kielce University of Technology, Jan Kochanowski University and a variety of private schools. Radom also houses one of the leading research centers, the Institute for Sustainable Technologies – National Research Institute.